About Us


To enhance the quality of life in our service area by excelling in the efficient and effective provision of safe, accessible, reliable and attractive public transportation services by courteous and professional employees.


Safety: We commit to ensure that our employees, passengers and the general public’s safety are always our first consideration.

Service Excellence: We commit to provide safe, clean, reliable, on-time, courteous service for our clients and customers.

Workforce Development: We commit to make Skagit Transit a learning organization that attracts, develops, motivates and retains a world class workforce.

Fiscal Responsibility: We commit to manage every tax payer and customer-generated dollar as if it were coming from our own pocket.

Innovation and Technology: We commit to actively participate in identifying best practices for continuous improvement.

Sustainability: We commit to reduce, re-use and recycle all internal resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Integrity: We commit to rely on the professional ethics and honesty of every Skagit Transit employee.

Teamwork: We commit to actively blend our individual talents to achieve world-class performance and service.

Core Business Goals

Goal 1: Improve transit services
Goal 2: Deliver quality capital projects on time and within budget
Goal 3: Exercise fiscal responsibility
Goal 4: Provide leadership for the region’s mobility agenda
Goal 5: Develop an effective and efficient workforce
Goal 6: Secure local, state and federal funding
Goal 7: Maintain open lines of communication
Goal 8: Enhance a safety-conscious culture with employees, contractors and customers
Goal 9: Sustain the environment with energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
© 2025 Skagit Transit, All Rights Reserved.
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