Fact Sheet

Skagit Transit History and Demographics

Celebrating 30 years of dedicated service, Skagit Transit proudly marks its anniversary in 2023. Established in 1993, we've been committed to providing reliable and efficient transit services in the Mount Vernon/Burlington area and beyond. As we reflect on our journey and the milestones achieved, we remain excited about the future and our ongoing commitment to the community.

Skagit Transit System was established under RCW 36.57A. The authority was established in 1993 by voter approval of 2/10 of 1% local sales tax to support transit service in the Mount Vernon/Burlington area. Since our initial voter approval, we've expanded to include Anacortes, La Conner, Sedro-Woolley, Lyman, Hamilton, and Concrete, as well as additional areas. Today, our services extend over approximately 750 square miles of Skagit County. In November 2008, voters approved an additional 2/10 of 1% sales tax, bringing our total to 4/10 of 1% to support our growing transit services. We now operate 17 fixed routes, offer complimentary paratransit services, and manage over 45 vanpool groups.

Then Now
Skagit Transit’s Operations HQ 1993

Skagit Transit’s Operations HQ 1993

Safeway Transfer Station 1995-1998

Safeway Transfer Station 1995-1998

Skagit Transit’s Maintenance – Operations and Administration Building 1999 to present

Skagit Transit’s Maintenance – Operations and Administration Building 1999 to present

Chuckanut Park and Ride - Transfer Station 2011

Chuckanut Park and Ride - Transfer Station 2011

Riverside Transfer Station 1998-2003

Riverside Transfer Station 1998-2003

Vanpool Program Begins 2004

Vanpool Program Begins 2004

Skagit Station – Multi Modal Transfer Center

Skagit Station – Multi Modal Transfer Center

Commuter Bus Service to Bellingham Begins 2005 Commuter Service to Everett 2006

Commuter Bus Service to Bellingham Begins 2005 Commuter Service to Everett 2006
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