General Information


This area provides access to current bidding opportunities for formal procurements (IFBs and RFPs over $100,000) and some informal Request For Quotations (RFQ), as well as  general information about doing business with Skagit Transit.

Vendors intending to submit a bid or proposal for any contract opportunity listed below must first notify us at the contact information below of their intent and request to be placed on the Planholders' List for the solicitation of interest.

Procurement Contact

Jo-Ann Wynne
Procurement and Contracts Coordinator

Skagit Transit
600 County Shop Lane
Burlington, WA 98233-9772
Phone: 360-757-4433
Fax: 360-757-8019

Contract Opportunities


Vendors must ensure that all pages of the solicitation are fully downloaded (check the page numbers) and to view any attached drawings.

Changes to solicitation requirements will be made in the form of written Addenda, which may result as a response to any questions, requests for clarification, or approvals for material substitutions/alternates.  Addenda will be posted on this website with the corresponding solicitation.  Only registered Planholders will receive immediate notice of any Addenda issued.

It is the responsibility of any prospective Bidder/Proposer to either check this site periodically for Addenda or contact the Contracts Administrator and provide a fax number or e-mail address to where Addenda may be sent to you.

Unless directed otherwise, all submittals must be received in writing on the forms provided in the solicitation packet and by the specified due date and time.

Open Invitations

Vendor Bid Lists

To be added to our list of vendors please fill out our online form -

Doing Business With Skagit Transit

Skagit Transit is interested in firms that demonstrate a commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity and encourages firms to employ a workforce that reflects the region’s diversity and to adhere to non-discrimination provisions. As a federal Grantee, Skagit Transit must have a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Policy, annual DBE Goals, and a Civil Rights/Title VI Policy in place. These policies and goals may viewed by clicking on the links found in this paragraph.

Skagit Transit encourages small and women or minority owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) firms to submit bids or proposals. DBE firms are encouraged to afford all potential business partners an equal, non-discriminatory opportunity to compete for business as joint venture partners or subcontractors.

For more information on becoming a Washington State Certified DBE, please visit the following website:

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Awareness

Are you a minority or women-owned business owner? Do you want to be eligible for state and federally-funded contracts? Click on the link below to find out how to become a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certified business:

Diverse business programs | WSDOT

Types of Purchases

Skagit Transit purchases buses and other service vehicles, automotive parts, office and janitorial supplies, and a wide variety of materials and services for the maintenance, repair and operation of the transit agency. All procurements are made in accordance with Skagit Transit’s Procurement Policy, and applicable federal, State and local laws and regulations.

Small Competition: All purchases between $10,001 and $99,999 must be competed and require a Purchase Order or written contract. At least three written quotes may be solicited by fax, mail, telephone or electronically. Award is made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. A quotation is responsive when it meets the requirements of the Request For Quotations (RFQ). Responsibility includes, but is not limited to, the contractor not being debarred or suspended from bidding on a public agency contract, is registered to conduct business in Washington State and is not delinquent on taxes or Workers’ Comp premiums. Consideration may also be given to previous performance, experience, adequacy of equipment, special or unique skills, and contractor’s ability to complete performance within a specified time limit.

Formal Competition: Skagit Transit is required to accept formal competitive bids or proposals for contracts exceeding $100,000. Invitation For Bids (IFB) and Request For Proposals (RFP) shall be advertised in an English language daily newspaper of general circulation (currently the Skagit Valley Herald). These solicitation documents are posted on Skagit Transit’s website for downloading.

Alternatively, bid documents for any construction or Small Works project under $400,000 may also be posted to Skagit Transit’s online plan room with Builders’ Exchange of Washington at In this instance, specific details relative to the posting will be outlined in the Bid Documents.

Contracts resulting from the IFB process are awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Contracts from the RFP process are awarded to the proposer having the highest score based on Evaluation Criteria outlined in the RFP.

Exceptions to the competitive requirement include Purchase Orders and contracts for sole source items or services; Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services; emergency or public exigency procurements; and goods or services procured through other agencies’ competitively let contracts, commonly referred to as "piggybacking".

Vendor Responsibility Record

Skagit Transit will only contract with responsible contractors. Vendors are encouraged to maintain a responsible performance record by adhering to all contract terms and specifications, including the provision of specified materials or services and making on-time deliveries.

If a contractor’s past performance on Skagit Transit contracts is unsatisfactory, Skagit Transit has the authority to suspend or debar that contractor from bidding on any future Skagit Transit solicitations.

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