Payment Types

Cash and UMO App/Card are accepted for fare payments.

Manage your UMO card account via the Passenger Portal.

Apply for a UMO card account at UMO Card Application.

Fixed Route Fares
Standard Fare $1.00 $0.50
80X and 90X $2.00 $1.00
80X and 90X (Single County) $1.00 $0.50
UMO Passes  
One-Day Pass
(UMO Fare-Capped)
$3.00 $1.50
31-Day Pass
(UMO Fare-Capped)
$30.00 $15.00
County Connector 31-Day Pass
(UMO Fare-Capped)
$50.00 $25.00
Skagit-Whatcom One-Day Pass $6.00 $3.00
Youth age 18 and under FREE FREE
Paratransit Fares

Specialized transportation options are available for eligible paratransit riders. Below are the fare details:

Fare Type Amount
One Ride $2.00
31-Day Pass with Unlimited Rides
(UMO Fare-Capped)
Youth age 18 and under FREE
Paratransit Payment Options
  • Cash on the vehicle (exact change required).
  • Umo cards can be ordered online or obtained through customer service.
  • Check payments applied to Umo accounts by mail or at customer service.
  • Funds can be loaded onto Umo cards at customer service locations.
  • Online account management and fare purchase via the Passenger Portal.

Important: If you set up your own Umo account, it is crucial to contact Customer Service at 360-757-4433 to enable the correct passenger type on your account.

Important Paratransit Information
  • Personal Care Attendants (PCA) ride for free when accompanying eligible riders.
  • Guests of the paratransit client, other than the PCA, need to pay the regular fare.
  • Paratransit clients are eligible for free fixed-route service by presenting their Umo Paratransit card.
UMO System Information
A hand holding a smartphone with the UMO app logo displayed on the screen, indicating the mobile application for transit fare payment. A graphic of a Skagit Transit UMO card featuring an illustrated scene with an eagle in the upper left corner, pine trees, a cityscape, and a bus stop with a transit bus, all above the UMO app logo.

The UMO system offers a convenient and efficient way to manage your transit fare payments. Here are the key features and how to use them:

  • UMO Mobile App allows for easy fare payment, account management, and ride tracking.
  • UMO cards can be used as a physical alternative to the mobile app, offering the same functionalities.
  • Both the UMO Mobile App and cards support fare capping to ensure maximum cost-effectiveness for regular riders.
  • Accounts can be managed online through the Passenger Portal, where riders can check balances, reload fares, and review ride history.
UMO Fare Capping

Fare Capping uses our electronic fare system, Umo, to limit the maximum a rider must pay on any given day. Fare Capping ensures you never pay more per day or per month than the amount of an all-day pass in a single day or a 31-day pass over a month.

  • Once you have paid a total of $3 ($1.50 for Reduced Fare) in a single day, the system will cap your fare and let you ride fare-free the rest of the day. You'll never pay more than the cost of an all-day pass!
  • Fare capping is enabled on our local fixed route for day passes $3 and 31 day passes $30.
  • Fare capping is enabled on our regional connectors for 31 day passes only at this time at $50.
  • Paratransit fares cap at $60 in a one-month period.

For example, a rider boards the Route 410 from Anacortes to Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon. They use the Umo system to pay $1 on the Route 410 and then pay another $1 when they transfer to the Route 40X at March Point. At Skagit Station, when they transfer to the Route 205 and pay another $1 in fare, the system automatically credits them with a day pass.

They have paid $3 in fares and a day pass is $3. That rider will no longer be charged for any rides that day.

If you have questions, please give us a call at (360) 757-4433.

Where to Buy
Location Details
Passenger Portal For existing accounts: Manage your account
Online Application For new accounts: UMO Card Application
Skagit Transit Business Office 600 County Shop Lane Burlington, WA
Weekdays 8:00 am – 4:30pm
Skagit Station 105 E Kincaid, Mt. Vernon, WA
Weekdays 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
(Closed 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I use a Umo card and Mobile App at the same time? No, at this time you cannot use both a Umo card and mobile app for the same account.
How much will a Umo card cost? Umo cards are currently free. However, there is a $2 charge for replacing lost cards.
Can I use this system anonymously? Yes, you can opt for an anonymous Umo card, but it cannot be replaced if lost.
Will I be able to purchase my reduced fare cards in the Umo system? Yes. If reduced fare cards are not available when signing up, please visit our offices for assistance.
What happens if I lose my Umo card? You can get a replacement for $2. If you have a registered account, you can transfer any stored value or passes to your new card.
What happens if I replace my card and find my missing card afterwards? The missing card will be voided once a replacement is issued and will no longer work in the system.
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