The Skagit Transit Long-Range Transit Plan is our complete plan for our bus and transit services for the next 5-15 years. It contains three important studies to help us develop a plan to make our bus services more accessible, efficient, and better for the environment. Here's what we're working on:
This study examines how we can improve our services within Skagit County and nearby areas. A major focus of this study is environmental sustainability as part of our commitment to the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), which is the major funding source for this project. Our work under the guidance of the CCA aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and add more sustainable transit options. This will allow us to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our transit services in a way that will contribute to a more sustainable environment.
Funded through local resources, the Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) assesses the current transit operations within Skagit Transit’s service area. The analysis identifies opportunities for service improvements, route efficiencies, and overall system upgrades to meet the current and future demands of our ridership.
With the support of a federal grant, we're looking into new kinds of transit services that can be called when needed, especially in places with lower populations or during times when buses are not usually busy. This study investigates the possibility of bringing in these new services in the future, with the goal of providing flexible, accessible, and efficient transportation options for everyone in the community.