Cubic Announces Global Launch of Umo Platforms to Enhance Urban Mobility |  Cubic

UMO Electronic Fares

Skagit Transit has implemented an electronic fare payment system.

  • For more general details Click Here

  • Access the Passenger Portal and manage an existing UMO card account. Click Here

  • Apply for a new UMO card account Click Here

Fare Capping

Fare Capping uses our electronic fare system, Umo, to limit the maximum a rider must pay on any given day.

  • Fare Capping ensures you never pay more per day or per month than the amount of an all-day pass in a single day or a 31-day pass over a month.

  • Once you have paid a total of $3 ($1.50 for Reduced Fare) in a single day, the system will cap your fare and let you ride fare-free the rest of the day. You'll never pay more than the cost of an all-day pass!

    • Fare capping is enabled on our local fixed route for day passes $3 and 31 day passes $30.

    • Fare capping is enabled on our regional connectors for 31 day passes only at this time at $50.

    • Paratransit fares cap at $60 in a one-month period.

For example, a rider boards the Route 410 from Anacortes to Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon. They use the Umo system to pay $1 on the Route 410 and then pay another $1 when they transfer to the Route 40X at March Point. At Skagit Station, when they transfer to the Route 205 and pay another $1 in fare. The system automatically credits them with a day pass.

They have paid $3 in fares and a day pass is $3. That rider will no longer be charged for any rides that day.

If you have questions, please give us a call at (360) 757-4433.


Fares Effective June 20th, 2022


Effective June 20th 2022, Skagit Transit will no longer charge a fare for Youths age 18 and under. Youths age 15 to 18 will be required to use our Umo system starting August 1st as proof of their age. Youths 14 and under are encouraged to also use the Umo system.

Umo is a free system to use and riders can either use a free smartphone app or contact Customer Service at 360-757-4433 to obtain a Umo card for free.


Western WA University Students & Staff

Western WA University Students & Staff

The Western WA University Card is your unlimited ride bus pass for all Skagit Transit and WTA fixed routes at no additional charge. If you have an older WWU ‘swipe’ card that was printed prior to August 2022, please contact the Western Card Office to obtain a new ‘tap’ card.  Or visit the Western Card Office in Old Main 110 where a new photo will be taken and the card will be printed. You may also upload the Western Card photo to the WWU eAccounts site. Once logged in, click on ‘Profile’ and follow the prompts to upload your photo. Visit the Western Card website or email the Western Card Office.


The card replacement fee will be waived to update your card for riding the bus. Tap your WWU ID card when boarding a Skagit Transit bus.  Rides include services between Bellingham and Everett as well as local service in Skagit County.



Types of Fares

Reduced Fares

People age 65 and older, people with a Medicare card, Veterans and persons with disabilities are eligible to apply for a Skagit Transit Reduced Fare permit. Qualifying for Reduced Fare entitles you to ride the regular route buses throughout Skagit County at a discounted fare. These discounted fares are offered throughout the system all day every day. You may obtain a free Skagit Transit Reduced Fare Permit by applying at the Customer Service Office at Skagit Station with the proper documentation. If you are paying cash, either a Medicare card or a Reduced Fare Permit must be shown to the driver when a rider boards the bus and wants to pay a reduced fare.

Also you can purchase the Regional Reduced Fare Permit. This permit entitles you to ride the regular buses throughout the Puget Sound Region at a discounted fare. The permit is also valid on the Washington State Ferries. The permit is REQUIRED ON MOST TRANSIT SYSTEMS IN ORDER TO PAY A REDUCED FARE. The laminated Regional Reduced Fare Permit is available for $3.00 from any Puget Sound transit agency. It has no expiration date unless issued to a person with a temporary disability. Be sure to bring proof of age (65+), a valid Medicare card, proof of Veretan status or proof of qualifying condition. Learn if you qualify for reduced fares and where to get an RRFP

Skagit Transit Reduced Fare Application

Regional Reduced Fare Application


Skagit Transit farebox accepts 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢, $1.00 coin, $1, $2, $5, $10 and $20 bills.


Local 1-Day and 31-Day Passes

Group_behind_wheelchair_boarding__Nov19-37   Skagit Transit 1-Day and 31-Day Passes are good only on local Skagit             Transit fixed-route buses. The card cannot be redeemed for cash.

   1-Day Passes: Good for unlimited rides. 1-Day passes can be purchased        through the Umo app or at Customer Service.

   31-Day Passes: Good for unlimited rides for 31 consecutive days. 31-Day       passes can be purchased through the Umo app or at Customer Service.


County Connector Pass (31-Day)

Riders with this pass can ride throughout the region on all Skagit Transit and all WTA routes for $50 ($25 Reduced Fare Riders).

The pass is good for 31 days after its first use. County Connector Passes can be purchased through the Umo app, at Customer Service, at 600 County Shop Lane in Burlington, or through the mail.


Skagit-Whatcom Day Pass (1-Day)

Riders with this pass can take unlimited rides on all Skagit Transit and all WTA routes for $6 ($3 Reduced Fare Riders).  



UMO Electronic Fare System

Skagit Transit has introduced the Umo fare system. This is an electronic fare system that allows you to purchase your rides and passes from anywhere. Click Here for more details.
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